Teaching & Learning
Modes and Locations of Delivery
The mode of delivery is an important consideration when designing learning activities that will support studentsto develop the skills, knowledge and understandings required to achieve the intended learning outcomes (ILOs), as measured by the assessment in your unit. Ideally, you would select the most appropriate mode of delivery for each activity based on what will best support student development of the skills, knowledge and understandings students are expected to achieve. There are limitations on the use of on-campus delivery, however, when you have a student cohort whose mode of study is exclusively online.
When teaching a unit with a mixed cohort of online and on-campus students, many of the learning activities will need to be different, and designed separately. A good place to start with this process is to define the learning outcomes for each week or session. You can then design activities and select resources that will enable the identified delivery mode to be used effectively to support student attainment of those outcomes. It is difficult to take an on-campus activity and deliver the same design online in an effective and engaging way, and vice versa. It is for this reason that consideration of the learning outcomes intended for any activity is important, and this will enable equitable activities to be designed for each cohort of students.
On Campus
Learning activities that occur when all students are in the same physical space at the same time can support achievement of a wide range of learning outcomes.
Learn more about on-campus learning activities.Online
Learning activities that are managed using the online environment can support achievement of a wide range of learning outcomes.
Learn more about online learning activities.Situated
Field work, practicums, and other situated learning can support achievement of a wide range of learning outcomes.
Learn more about situated learning activities.